Unlike Decimals can be converted into Like Decimals; by adding required number of Zeros in decimal place and this does not affect any change in the values of decimals.
Example - Decimal 7.1 and 18.34 are Unlike Decimals, because:
7.1 have only one decimal place i.e. digit 1
18.34 have two decimal places i.e. digit 3 and 4
Now, 7.1 can be converted into a decimal having two decimal places i.e. by adding 0(Zero) at its hundredths place.
And after conversion we get;
7.10 having two decimal places i.e. digit 1 and 0
Also, 7.1 = 7.10 i.e. Value of the decimal is not affected.
Hence, 7.10 and 18.34 are now Like Decimals because both have similar decimal places.
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