Before you understand Sector of Circle, you are advised to read:
What is Radius of Circle ?
What is Interior of Circle ?
What are Arcs of Circle ?
Definition: Sector is a region which is in the interior of circle. On one side, it is enclosed by two radii and by an arc on the other side.
Or in other words, the region between an arc and two radii is known as Sector of Circle
Sector of Circle is of the following two types:
Minor Sector: Minor Arc corresponds to Minor Sector
Major Sector: Major Arc corresponds to Major Sector
Following picture illustrates the distinction between Minor Sector and Major Sector:
In the above circle with Center "O" have
Two Radii OA and OB.
Major Sector (highlighted in pink)
Minor Sector (highlighted in yellow)
Minor Arc (highlighted with Green)
Major Arc (highlighted in red)