Property 6 : Product of more than two decimals remains same, even if we change their grouping.
Example - Let's multiply three decimals 1.1, 2.2 and 3.3 in different groups and observe this property:
Group 1: (1.1 X 2.2) X 3.3
Solve brackets and we get:
= 2.42 X 3.3
= 7.986
Group 2 : (1.1 X 3.3) 2.2
Solve brackets and we get:
= 3.63 X 2.2
= 7.986
Group 3: (2.2 X 3.3) X 1.1
Solve brackets and we get:
= 7.26 X 1.1
Hence, above example clarifies that Product of more than two decimals remains same, even if we change their grouping.