Property 5 explains that product of two decimals remains same, even if we change their order of multiplication
Example - Let's multiply decimals 1.5 and 2.5 in different order:
Order1: 1.5 X 2.5 = 3.75
Order2: 2.5 X 1.5 = 3.75
Now we can in order 1 and order 2, the product of given decimals are same.
Let's check with some more examples:
Example 2: Decimal 22.101 and 1.904
Order 1: 22.101 X 1.904 = 42.080304
Order 2: 1.904 X 22.101 = 42.080304
Example 3: Decimal 11.11 and 22.22
Order 1: 11.11 X 22.22 = 246.8642
Order 2: 22.22 X 11.11 = 246.8642
Hence, above examples further clarifies that product of two decimals remains same, even if we change their order of multiplication.